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!c2a5 +0fiftsstch4 +0jpnvend1 +0jpnvend2 +0jpnvend3 +0jpnvend4 +0jpnvend5 +0secmon02 +ajpnvend1 +ajpnvend2 +ajpnvend3 +ajpnvend4 +ajpnvend5 AAATRIGGER BR_elev_ceil BR_elev_floor BR_elev_switch BR_elev_wall CONC_BS_TRIM CONC_BS_TRIM_si Concrete1_6 Concrete1_6D Core_Urban_066 Door_wood ORIGIN Rice_door Rice_door2 Rice_door2_mtn Rice_door2_tor Rice_door_mtn Rice_door_tor Rice_mtn1 Rice_mtn1a Rice_tor1 Rice_tor1a Rice_wall1 Rice_wall1a Wall_beatup_Fla Wall_beatup_bri Wall_beatup_tri anime-cover anime-mag anime-poster anime-spine anime-strfront bench01 bench02 bk_drk_clean03 bk_drk_clean03a bk_tan_clean01 bk_tan_clean02 bk_tan_clean03 bk_tan_clean03a bk_wht_clean01 bk_wht_clean02 bk_wht_clean04 bk_wht_clean05 black bookstore_celg0 bookstore_wall0 brk_jpn_old1 brk_jpn_old2 bulletin01 c_box1 c_box3 c_box4 carpet_grn01 chrome1 chrome_flat chrome_trim chrome_trim02 clip crimesc01 door_elev door_plain door_plain02 door_rroom_man door_rroom_woma door_stall doorframe_inner doorframe_outer duct1_1 duct_flr01 duct_flr01a duct_flr02 duct_flr02a duct_vnt duct_vnt2 duct_wall01 duct_wall02 duct_wall03 duct_wall04 esc_rail escalator1 generic114 glassblue1 jpnart01 jpnart02 jpnart03 jpnart04 jpnart05 jpnart06 jpnart07 jpnart08 jpnart09 jpnart10 jpnart11 jpnart12 jpnart13 jpnart14 jpnart15 jpnart16 jpnart17 jpnart18 jpnart19 jpnart20 jpnart21 jpnart22 jpnart23 jpnart24 jpnart25 jpnart26 jpnart45 jpnvend1 jpnvend2 jpnvend3 jpnvend4 jpnvendb jpnvendb1 jpnvendb2 jpnvendb3 junk_mtl_01 lockers-side lockers-top lockers-top02 lockers01 lockers02 lockers03 logo1 logo2 mirror_1 mirror_2 misc-bnr-1 misc-bnr-2 misc-bnr-3 misc-bnr-4 misc_ch_sign_1 moveside_c movetop_c mtl_vent_1 oak01 oak02 paper_banner plas_grn_drt01 plas_tan_drt01 pls_wht_clean01 pls_wht_clean02 pls_wht_clean03 pls_wht_clean04 pls_wht_clean05 pls_wht_clean06 pls_wht_clean07 pls_wht_clean08 pls_wht_small01 pls_wht_small06 pooky poster-01 poster-02 poster-03 poster-04 rt_sign3men rt_signenter rt_signfishbulb rt_signpanda rt_signpickle rt_signspanky rt_signsushi rt_signswitchb rug_ol-large rug_ol-large2 rug_ol-large3 rug_ol-large4 rug_ol-large5 saftglass01 sbwy_ceiling sbwy_door1 sbwy_door2 sbwy_floor1 sbwy_floor2 sbwy_insid1 sbwy_inside2 sbwy_inside3 sbwy_joint sbwy_out-win sbwy_outsi1 sbwy_outsi2 sbwy_outsi3 sbwy_route1 sbwy_seat01 sbwy_seat02 sbwy_seat03 sbwy_seat1 sbwy_seat2 sbwy_sign01 sbwy_sign02 sbwy_sign03 sbwy_sign04 sbwy_sign05 sbwy_steel1 sbwy_steel2 sbwy_steel3 sbwy_vent1 sbwy_window1 sbwy_window2 sbwy_wintrim1 shop_closed3 sign-04 sign-05 sign-06 sign-07 sign-trainroute sign_bookstore0 sign_clothes01 sign_clothes02 sign_clothes03 sign_clothes04 sign_clothes05 sign_clothes06 sign_clothes07 sign_clothes08 sign_clothes09 sign_clothes10 sign_clothes11 sign_clothes12 sign_clothes13 sign_clothes14 sign_clothes15 sign_clothes16 sign_elevator sign_emr_exit sign_furni01 sign_furni02 sign_furni03 sign_furni04 sign_furni05 sign_gen01 sign_gen02 sign_gen03 sign_gen04 sign_gen05 sign_jpn1 sign_jpn2 sign_jpn_1 sign_jpn_10 sign_jpn_11 sign_jpn_12 sign_jpn_13 sign_jpn_14 sign_jpn_15 sign_jpn_2 sign_jpn_3 sign_jpn_4 sign_jpn_5 sign_jpn_6 sign_jpn_7 sign_jpn_8 sign_jpn_9 sign_police01 sign_police02 sign_police03 sign_restroom01 sign_restroom02 sign_restroom03 sign_train01 sign_train02 sing-noruntrain sky skycull str_wht_clean01 ticket_mach ticket_mach02 ticketgate01 ticketgate02 ticketgate03 ticketgate04 til_wht_flat tl_drk_flat tl_gry_clean01 tl_gry_clean01b tl_gry_clean02 tl_gry_clean03 tl_gry_clean04 tl_gry_clean05 tl_gry_clean06 tl_gry_dirty01 tl_gry_dirty02 tl_gry_dirty03 tl_gry_dirty04 tl_gry_dirty05 tl_gry_dirty06 tl_gry_filth01 tl_gry_filth02 tl_gry_filth03 tl_gry_filth04 tl_gry_filth05 tl_gry_filth06 tl_gry_flat tl_gry_small01 tl_nubby tl_nubby02 tl_nubby03 tl_tan_flat tl_trackedge01 tl_trackedge02 tl_wht_clean01 tl_wht_clean02 tl_wht_clean03 tl_wht_small01 trashcan_front trashcan_side trashcan_top trim_plas_blk01 wall_subway01 wall_subway02 white yen-sale1 {banner23 {banner24 {blinds_horiz01 {blinds_horiz02 {blue {chim_grate {chim_grate2 {chim_grate3 {cstrike_oe4ven {duct_break1 {duct_vnt {duct_vnt2 {grate3a {grate3b {grate4a {grate_01 {grate_02 {grate_03 {grate_04 {grate_2 {grate_3 {grate_rust {rollgate01 {tk_grate ~light3c_off
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Community 17b
@Safety1st done list register men.. not found HLbox17b and other smiley
11-08-2024 at 5:41 PM
I somehow fixed the download issue. I figured out what but not sure why. I used a workaround. Hopefully it will be enough. smiley
11-10-2024 at 1:26 AM
Working for me, manythanks Arkshine smiley
11-10-2024 at 12:06 PM
For me too! smiley
11-11-2024 at 9:41 AM
Works for me as well smiley
11-12-2024 at 3:54 PM
11-12-2024 at 10:18 PM
love those old achool emoticons, script works fine, hope the admins aren't dead
11-12-2024 at 10:19 PM
11-14-2024 at 7:52 PM
hello guys
11-16-2024 at 2:18 AM
come celebrate the hl2 anniversary on this hldm server:

waiting for you there!
11-16-2024 at 10:26 AM
11-16-2024 at 2:44 PM
@sToP !: Daniel Marcu, is it you? xD
11-16-2024 at 8:54 PM
11-17-2024 at 6:53 AM
A bit late but yes, download works again as intended. Thank you Arkshine!
11-23-2024 at 4:09 PM
Hi there! smiley
12-01-2024 at 4:42 PM
Подскажите код от дверей, пожалуйста
12-08-2024 at 10:12 PM
pro100klaus: 351759
12-10-2024 at 9:55 AM
Спасибо большое
12-11-2024 at 8:20 PM
12-22-2024 at 4:38 AM
Merry Christmas everybody!
12-24-2024 at 12:33 PM
MOerry Christmas all!!!smiley
12-24-2024 at 6:48 PM
I've submitted a map de_nuke2 totally unrelated to the existing one here. Can you please approve of it? :D
12-24-2024 at 10:51 PM
12-25-2024 at 6:20 AM
smiley Merry Christmas!
Yesterday at 12:55 AM
Help please smiley
Yesterday at 7:36 AM
Re de_nuke2, as there is already a de_nuke2 the 2024 map will need another name or the original will be erased.
Yesterday at 12:34 PM
Nice map Stop, and good video smiley, I saw it over at reddit.
Yesterday at 12:39 PM
okay, I see this cs 1.6 map with only a screenshot, looks like it could be removed from my pov, it doesn't even have an author.


but do as you think it's fair smiley
Yesterday at 1:50 PM
I dont think 17b allows two BSPs with the same filename, any other admins know how to keep to maps with same name? smiley
Yesterday at 5:36 PM
I've seen it has added my files to that existing map, since it hasn't got any author, can you put it on my behalf and I'll switch everything right? No rush, just saying :D
Yesterday at 8:19 PM
void Can't Update A Map
  11-25-2024 at 1:41 AM by FIXXOR
void Need .rmf File ♡ De_dust2_2020 .bsp
  11-23-2024 at 5:47 PM by tamoqohuhe
void I Can't Download Any Maps
  11-10-2024 at 2:30 AM by Safety1st
void Hlbox17b Source Code
  10-08-2024 at 9:00 AM by Bernice Thompson
void Modifying Map - How Difficult
  10-06-2024 at 8:16 PM by LiveWire
void Resgen, Pack, Unpack: Allinone
  09-27-2024 at 10:45 PM by Safety1st
void Rainbow Six
  07-30-2024 at 4:49 AM by vidersagitated
void Battle Realms
  07-30-2024 at 4:09 AM by ingswindler

419 visitor(s) during the last 15 minutes:

105 guest(s), 0 member(s), 314 bot(s).

Our site hosts 36429 registered members.

124 absolute unique visitors today (667 yesterday).

17Buddies's website offers at this time 107 867 total uniques and verified maps including 59 003 HL1 maps, 45 561 HL2 maps and 3 303 CS:GO maps, representing 372,15 GB disk space.

There were today 129 maps downloads (805 yesterday) representing 395,77 MB transfered (3,01 GB yesterday).

This page was generated in 0.36 s and required 277 SQL queries.
