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1 Items
12-21-2011 by KrA40n1
Hits: 30
13 221 KB
Click on "Content" above to see images
-0cstrike_fj2dk 64crate0 64crate1 64crateTop CRATE01 Crate_snow Crate_snow_top CrdBrdSde1 CrdBrdSde2 CrdBrdTop PRXBENCARGO1A PRXBENCARGO1B PRXBENCARGO1C PRXBENCARGO2A PRXBENCARGO2B PRXBENCARGO2C PRXCARGO1A PRXCARGO1B PRXCARGO1C PRXCARGO1D PRXCARGO2A PRXCARGO2B PRXCARGO2C PRXCRATE1A PRXCRATE1B PRXCRATE1C PRXCRATE1D PRXCRATE2A PRXCRATE2B PRXCRATE2C Silocrate_back Silocrate_frnt Silocrate_s_bac Silocrate_s_frn Silocrate_s_sid Silocrate_side WoodCrateLid WoodCrateLidSm WoodCrateSd WoodCrateSdSm aaa_barrilA1 aaa_barrilA2 aaa_bigcrate1 aaa_bigcrate2 aaa_bigcrateup aaa_boite1 aaa_boite2 aaa_caisse1 aaa_caisse2 aaa_caisse3 aaa_caisse40 aaa_caissetmp aaa_carton1 aaa_carton2 aaa_contbleu1 aaa_contbleu2 aaa_contred1 aaa_contred2 aaa_contvert1 aaa_contvert2 aaa_cube an_back1 an_back2 an_back3 an_bottom an_bplastic1 an_bplastic2 an_front an_rplastic1 an_rplastic2 an_side an_top barrel_bio01 barrel_bio02 barrel_bio03 barrel_exp01 barrel_exp02 barrel_exp03 barrel_mtl01 barrel_mtl02 barrel_orng01 barrel_orng02 bb_container3_f bb_container3_s bb_container3_t bb_container_ba bb_container_fr bb_container_si bb_container_to bcrate02 bcrate09a bcrate09b bcrate09c bcrate12 bcrate25 boxsides01 boxsides02 boxsides03 boxsides_T01 boxsides_d03 boxsides_s01 boxsides_s02 boxtops01 boxtops02 boxtops03 boxtops_T01 boxtops_d03 boxtops_s01 boxtops_s02 c_box1 c_box1un c_box3 c_box3un c_box4 c_box4un c_boxwet1 c_boxwet1un c_boxwet2 c_boxwet2un c_boxwet5 c_boxwet5un c_boxwet6 c_boxwet6un caisse1 caisse1b caisse3 cardboard_1 cardboard_2 cardboard_3 cardboard_4 cg_dodcrtv1 cg_rstbrls cg_rstbrlt container_blue container_blueb container_red container_redb container_redc container_top crate02b_hd crate03_hd crate08 crate08b crate09_hd crate09b crate09b_hd crate09c crate10 crate11 crate13 crate1_1 crate1_2 crate24 crate27 crateX_health crateX_side1 crate_board1 crate_board3 crate_cokeF01 crate_cokeF02 crate_cokeF03 crate_cokeS01 crate_cokeT01 crate_cokeT02 crate_cokeT03 crate_cokeT04 crate_gunF01 crate_gunF02 crate_gunS01 crate_gunT01 crate_gunT02 crate_gunT03 cratehell cratehell3 cstrike_CJ2Beam cstrike_fj2dock cstrike_we2ribd dc_cage1_eyes dc_cage1_front dc_cage1_side dc_cage1_top dc_monster1 duCrtLrgSd duCrtLrgTp duCrtSmSd duCrtSmTp duMltryCrSd duMltryCrSd2 duMltryCrTp eastcratelgtp eastcratelgtp2 eastcratesm el_crate01 el_crate01_top htc_box1 htc_box2 htc_toxic htc_toxic2 ikbarls1 ikbarls3 ikbarls4 ikbarlt1 ikbarlt3 ikbarlt4 ikcratee ikcrateg ikcrateh jez_crate1 jez_crate2 jez_crate3 jez_crate4 js_crate_bk js_crate_ft js_crate_sds js_crate_tpbt ka_crateside ka_cratetop kf_crate01128-1 kf_crate01128-2 kf_crate01128-b kf_crate01128-o kf_crate01128-r kf_crate01128b2 kf_crate01128o2 kf_crate01128r2 kf_crate01256-1 kf_crate01256-2 kf_crate01256-b kf_crate01256-o kf_crate01256-r kf_crate01256b2 kf_crate01256o2 kf_crate01256r2 kwk_ammo_crate kwk_ammo_side1 kwk_ammo_side2 kwk_ammo_side3 kwk_ammo_side4 kwk_ammo_side5 kwk_ammo_small kwk_ammo_top kz_container kz_container2 kz_containertop kz_containertp magbox1_B1 magbox1_F1 magbox1_S1 magbox1_T1 magbox2_B1 magbox2_F1 magbox2_S1 magbox2_T1 magbox3_B1 magbox3_F1 magbox3_S1 magbox3_T1 meatcrate2 misc_radcas_fr misc_radcas_sd misc_radcas_tp misc_sci_cdbd1 misc_sci_cdbd2 misc_sci_cdbd3 misc_sci_cdbd4 misc_sci_crate1 misc_sci_crate2 misc_sci_crate3 misc_sci_crate4 misc_wpn_crate misc_wpn_crate2 misc_wpn_crate3 misc_wpn_crate4 misc_wpn_crate5 mop_crate1_bs mop_crate1_bt moveside_c moveside_d moveside_t moveside_w movetop_c movetop_d movetop_t movetop_w mtl_barrelcr8 mtl_barrelcr82 mtl_barrelcr8tp pi_cratebig pi_cratebigt picrate1 picrate2 pk_crateside1 pk_crateside2 pk_crateside3 pk_cratetop1 pk_cratetop2 r45_box1 r45_box2 ray_crate256bot ray_crate256sd2 ray_crate256sid ray_crate256top ray_crate_bot ray_crate_side1 ray_crate_side2 ray_crate_top rayd_crate_fron rayd_crate_side rayd_crate_top rds_crate_side rds_crate_top rds_laundry_sd rds_laundry_sid rds_laundry_top rds_laundry_tp reinf_side01 reinf_side02 reinf_side03 reinf_sideD01 reinf_sideS01 reinf_sideS02 reinf_sideS03 reinf_sideT01 reinf_top01 reinf_top02 reinf_top03 reinf_topD01 reinf_topS01 reinf_topS02 reinf_topS03 reinf_topT01 sc4_xcrate_sd sc4_xcrate_side sc4_xcrate_top sc4_xcrate_top_ silocrate_s_top silocrate_top sl_crate_side_1 sl_crate_side_2 sl_crate_side_3 sl_crate_side_4 sl_crate_top slem_crate_bott slem_crate_side slem_crate_top syz_crate_back syz_crate_front syz_crate_side syz_crate_top syz_crate_top_a tchx_crate128A tchx_crate128B tchx_crate256A tchx_crate256B tk_barrel2 tk_barreltop tk_crate1 tk_crate1_re tk_crate2 tk_crate2_re tk_opencrate1 wood_crate_sd wood_crate_tp ww3_crate01 ww3_crate02 xcrate10a xcrate10b xcrate10c xcrate10d
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Community 17b
A bit late but yes, download works again as intended. Thank you Arkshine!
11-23-2024 at 4:09 PM
Hi there! smiley
12-01-2024 at 4:42 PM
Подскажите код от дверей, пожалуйста
12-08-2024 at 10:12 PM
pro100klaus: 351759
12-10-2024 at 9:55 AM
Спасибо большое
12-11-2024 at 8:20 PM
12-22-2024 at 4:38 AM
Merry Christmas everybody!
12-24-2024 at 12:33 PM
MOerry Christmas all!!!smiley
12-24-2024 at 6:48 PM
I've submitted a map de_nuke2 totally unrelated to the existing one here. Can you please approve of it? :D
12-24-2024 at 10:51 PM
12-25-2024 at 6:20 AM
smiley Merry Christmas!
12-26-2024 at 12:55 AM
Help please smiley
12-26-2024 at 7:36 AM
Re de_nuke2, as there is already a de_nuke2 the 2024 map will need another name or the original will be erased.
12-26-2024 at 12:34 PM
Nice map Stop, and good video smiley, I saw it over at reddit.
12-26-2024 at 12:39 PM
okay, I see this cs 1.6 map with only a screenshot, looks like it could be removed from my pov, it doesn't even have an author.


but do as you think it's fair smiley
12-26-2024 at 1:50 PM
I dont think 17b allows two BSPs with the same filename, any other admins know how to keep to maps with same name? smiley
12-26-2024 at 5:36 PM
I've seen it has added my files to that existing map, since it hasn't got any author, can you put it on my behalf and I'll switch everything right? No rush, just saying :D
12-26-2024 at 8:19 PM
why does it matter if the author isn't mentioned? who tf cares who the author is, 99x of maps here would get removed by that metric of "lacking an author", the void made them I guess
12-28-2024 at 8:09 PM
also most maps also have only one screenshot, so another reason to remove them as being unworthy I guess
12-28-2024 at 8:11 PM
dude couldn't just concede and rename his map de_nuke3, that would have been asking too much
12-28-2024 at 8:17 PM
12-31-2024 at 8:12 AM
12-31-2024 at 11:29 AM
Happy New Year smiley
12-31-2024 at 11:29 AM
hny! FIXXOR I just mentioned before if they thought this was fair, if not just leave it as it is... I figured since it looks low effort, no author and not very popular mine could replace it, cheers! I also thought there could be many versions of de_nuke2 here without having to remove one in favour of the other
01-02-2025 at 9:52 AM
ok, I just go by the rule if a map with the name already exists it's better to rename to prevent mismatches and take the legacy of the scene into account
01-03-2025 at 12:09 AM
seems the certificate expired for the site, my heart skipped a beat there thinking that's it, but it's still up
02-07-2025 at 5:54 PM
hey, wanted to thank everybody here for their support while I was creating maps. Today I released my last map, I hope you enjoy it and maybe it will show up on the front page eventually haha: (Link)
02-15-2025 at 2:16 PM
@sToP! yo cheers
02-16-2025 at 6:41 AM
@stop, good luck in your future projects smiley
02-17-2025 at 10:38 AM
sToP your last map looks good.Make zm version...
03-01-2025 at 6:47 PM
void Hlbox17b Download - Virus?
  01-20-2025 at 7:51 PM by LiveWire
void Need .rmf File ♡ De_dust2_2020 .bsp
  01-09-2025 at 9:29 AM by ullonto
void Searching For Old Css Map
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void Waypoints For Dod_kort_b4
  12-29-2024 at 9:43 AM by INsane_dod
void Can't Update A Map
  11-25-2024 at 1:41 AM by FIXXOR
void I Can't Download Any Maps
  11-10-2024 at 2:30 AM by Safety1st
void Hlbox17b Source Code
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void Modifying Map - How Difficult
  10-06-2024 at 8:16 PM by LiveWire
void Resgen, Pack, Unpack: Allinone
  09-27-2024 at 10:45 PM by Safety1st

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