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1 Items
08-14-2010 by Chapo
Hits: 43
7 386 KB
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+0health_F +0waterf +0~white +1waterf +2waterf +3waterf +4waterf +Ahealth_F 2x4end_01_dirti 2x4side_t_dirti 8track1_1 Bolt0lightning Books_blue_Fron Books_blue_cove Books_green_Fro Books_green_cov Books_red_Front Books_red_cover Books_top Castlepic01 Com_backpan Com_front Com_side Com_top Concrete1_6 Core_Urban_066 Core_Urban_111 CrdBrdSde1 CrdBrdTop Door_Mech_met Door_wood_side Doorside_dark01 Elevatorgreenpa Elevatornum03 Elevatornum04 Elevatornum05 Elevatornum06 Elevatornum07 Elevatornum08 Elevatornum09 Elevatornum10 Elevatornum11 Elevatornum12 Elevatornum13 Elevatornum14 Elevatornum15 Elevatornum16 Elevatornum17 Elevatornum18 Elevatornum19 Elevatornum20 Elevatornum21 Elevatornum22 Elevatornum23 Elevatornum24 Elevatornum25 Elevatornum26 Elevatornum27 Elevatornum28 Elevatornum29 Elevatornum30 Elevatornum31 Elevatornum32 Elevatornum33 Elevatornum34 Elevatornum35 Elevatornum36 Elevatornum37 Elevatornum38 Elevatornum39 Elevatornum40 Elevatorswitch GAR002 GenoCrate01 GenoCrate01TOP LAB_DOORside Mon_Back Mon_screen Mon_side Mon_top Mon_trim Noad RoofRailbase RoofRailside RoofRailtop RoofRailtop2 RoofRailtrim RoofTile01 SKIP Shaftbasemet01 Shafttrim01 Shafttrim02 Shafttrim03 TOPCreamRooftil TOPCreamStone TOPCreamStonetr TOPCreamStonewi TOPCreamwindows TOPHelipad01 TOPbeamskin01 TOPbeamtrim01 TOPbeamtrim02 TOPbeamtrim03 TOPcreamtrim01 TV_front T_trim1_1 TopTowertrans2 aaatrigger ammo01 ammo02 ammo03 ammo04 babtech_ceil01 black brec_cubicle1 brec_cubicle2 c2a5_gun1 cabinet2_1 cabinet2_2 cabinet_base1_1 candy1_1 candy1_2 carpet1_3 carpet2_1 cem_flr_seam cem_swr_1 cem_swr_2 cem_swr_4 cem_walkway cheapTV1 clip cmp_mainfr_bk cmp_mainfr_fr1 cmp_mainfr_fr2 cmp_mainfr_sd conc_bld_out1_5 conc_bld_out4 conc_lnd_crete concrete1_5 cons_broke01 cons_broke02 crate09b crate_gunF01 crate_gunF02 crate_gunS01 crate_gunT01 crate_gunT02 dbl_drs1_5 door_1 door_2 door_4 duct_flr01 duct_wall03 edge ele_top_detail1 ele_top_detail2 ele_top_detail3 ele_top_detail4 ele_top_detail5 elev-bot01 elev1_trim fifties_trim1 file file1 floorsign03 floorsign26 floorsign40 floorsign43 floorsign46 floorsign50 flr_tile2_3 fountain1_1 g_metl2_1 g_metl2_2 g_metl2_7 generic028 geno1_1 geno_door1 geno_door2 geno_door23 geno_door23a geno_door23b geno_door23d geno_parking3 geno_parking7 geno_parking8 geno_wall1_1 geno_wall3_1 genobath1 genobath2 genobldg_4 genocarp23 genocem1 genocomp1 genocomp2 genocomp3 genocomp4 genocomp5 genocomp9 genodoor2_1 genoelev1b genoelev3 genoelev4 genoflr1 genoflr2 genoflr45 genoflr45a genoflr45b genogeneric genogeneric3 genogls2 genolight1 genoserver1 genoserver2 genoserver4 genoserver5 genowall45 genowall46 genowall46a genowood1 genowood2 glass_a_03 glass_bright glassblue2 glswin43a grassomatic gslider2 health_B health_S health_T hint hr_sign01 ice_steptop jpnware4_2 junk_mtl_01 keyboard_white lab_door1_1 lab_flr_green lab_flr_white lgt_neon_bl3 lit_2 lockers-top lockers02 lockmech_side marb_tiles marb_tiles1 mi-build10 mi-build11 mi-build12 mi-build14 mi-build18 mi-build2 mi-build23 mi-build24 mi-build25 mi-build3 mi-build6 mi-build9 misc_ATM misc_ac_1 misc_ac_2 misc_carp31 misc_ceil_tiles misc_cubicle misc_fusebx misc_scumflr1 misc_shagcarp misc_sodamach1 misc_table2 misc_wpn_crate2 misc_wpn_crate3 misc_wpn_crate5 mtl_caution_vt mtl_file1 mtl_file2 mtl_flr_dmdsm mtl_flrgrt mtl_gen_stl1 mtl_guard mtl_jpnwalk_7 mtl_labjunk mtl_spprt_2 mtl_spprt_3 mtl_titanhull1 mtl_trim_fnc nosmoking origin pfab_vent2 pfab_vent3 pipe_wall1_2 pipe_wall4_3 pipe_wall4_6 pipe_wall4_7 pipe_wall5_1 r_light1_2 rdProjector rdProjectorB s_whtbrd01 saftglass01 screen1_1 scroll_coldwake securityconsol2 securityconsole securityscreen1 securityscreens shaftwall01 shaftwall02 sign02 signage43b silo_comp10 silo_wall01 silo_wall03 sky skycull soda1_3 soda1_4 staff stereoside1_1 testlight1 wall_subway02 wd_bulletin1 wd_dr_apt wd_flr1_1 wll_mtl_tch2_2 wood_flr24 {TopTowertrans1 {cmp_fr1_fx {cmp_fr_fr2_fx {cmp_pnl1_fx {cmp_pnl2_fx {fence2 {fence_barb7 {fence_rust {fireescape2 {invisible {misc_pane1 {mtl_handrl1 {mtl_ldr_rst {pallet_side1 {pallet_side2 {pallet_top {poster-sn1 {poster-sn2 {poster-sn3 {poster-sn4 {poster-sn5 {poster-sn6 {rail3 {razor1 {rebar01 {silo_comp04_fx {silo_panel01_f {silo_panel02_f {silo_panel05_f {silo_panel09_f {silo_panel10_f {silo_panel13_f {silo_panel14_f {silo_panel15_f ~spotyellow
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Community 17b
A bit late but yes, download works again as intended. Thank you Arkshine!
11-23-2024 at 4:09 PM
Hi there! smiley
12-01-2024 at 4:42 PM
Подскажите код от дверей, пожалуйста
12-08-2024 at 10:12 PM
pro100klaus: 351759
12-10-2024 at 9:55 AM
Спасибо большое
12-11-2024 at 8:20 PM
12-22-2024 at 4:38 AM
Merry Christmas everybody!
12-24-2024 at 12:33 PM
MOerry Christmas all!!!smiley
12-24-2024 at 6:48 PM
I've submitted a map de_nuke2 totally unrelated to the existing one here. Can you please approve of it? :D
12-24-2024 at 10:51 PM
12-25-2024 at 6:20 AM
smiley Merry Christmas!
12-26-2024 at 12:55 AM
Help please smiley
12-26-2024 at 7:36 AM
Re de_nuke2, as there is already a de_nuke2 the 2024 map will need another name or the original will be erased.
12-26-2024 at 12:34 PM
Nice map Stop, and good video smiley, I saw it over at reddit.
12-26-2024 at 12:39 PM
okay, I see this cs 1.6 map with only a screenshot, looks like it could be removed from my pov, it doesn't even have an author.


but do as you think it's fair smiley
12-26-2024 at 1:50 PM
I dont think 17b allows two BSPs with the same filename, any other admins know how to keep to maps with same name? smiley
12-26-2024 at 5:36 PM
I've seen it has added my files to that existing map, since it hasn't got any author, can you put it on my behalf and I'll switch everything right? No rush, just saying :D
12-26-2024 at 8:19 PM
why does it matter if the author isn't mentioned? who tf cares who the author is, 99x of maps here would get removed by that metric of "lacking an author", the void made them I guess
12-28-2024 at 8:09 PM
also most maps also have only one screenshot, so another reason to remove them as being unworthy I guess
12-28-2024 at 8:11 PM
dude couldn't just concede and rename his map de_nuke3, that would have been asking too much
12-28-2024 at 8:17 PM
12-31-2024 at 8:12 AM
12-31-2024 at 11:29 AM
Happy New Year smiley
12-31-2024 at 11:29 AM
hny! FIXXOR I just mentioned before if they thought this was fair, if not just leave it as it is... I figured since it looks low effort, no author and not very popular mine could replace it, cheers! I also thought there could be many versions of de_nuke2 here without having to remove one in favour of the other
01-02-2025 at 9:52 AM
ok, I just go by the rule if a map with the name already exists it's better to rename to prevent mismatches and take the legacy of the scene into account
01-03-2025 at 12:09 AM
seems the certificate expired for the site, my heart skipped a beat there thinking that's it, but it's still up
02-07-2025 at 5:54 PM
hey, wanted to thank everybody here for their support while I was creating maps. Today I released my last map, I hope you enjoy it and maybe it will show up on the front page eventually haha: (Link)
02-15-2025 at 2:16 PM
@sToP! yo cheers
02-16-2025 at 6:41 AM
@stop, good luck in your future projects smiley
02-17-2025 at 10:38 AM
sToP your last map looks good.Make zm version...
03-01-2025 at 6:47 PM
void Hlbox17b Download - Virus?
  01-20-2025 at 7:51 PM by LiveWire
void Need .rmf File ♡ De_dust2_2020 .bsp
  01-09-2025 at 9:29 AM by ullonto
void Searching For Old Css Map
  01-09-2025 at 9:27 AM by ullonto
void Waypoints For Dod_kort_b4
  12-29-2024 at 9:43 AM by INsane_dod
void Can't Update A Map
  11-25-2024 at 1:41 AM by FIXXOR
void I Can't Download Any Maps
  11-10-2024 at 2:30 AM by Safety1st
void Hlbox17b Source Code
  10-08-2024 at 9:00 AM by Bernice Thompson
void Modifying Map - How Difficult
  10-06-2024 at 8:16 PM by LiveWire
void Resgen, Pack, Unpack: Allinone
  09-27-2024 at 10:45 PM by Safety1st

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