F u t u r e C o m - Hostage Rescue
FIRST map by -Stratesiz- (******@******.***)
Thanks to: LVirus, Salamander, Fortran, Lacos, MattC
and tayl0r.
A group of terrorists have captured a small office
building while the last employees were leaving. The
hostage situation has not developed since two
days ago. It is time to end the situation. The time
is now 7.00pm.
Counter-Terrorists: Infiltrate the complex and
rescue the hostages. The terrorists
are highly trained, thus meaning they've planned
everything to the finest detail.
Terrorists: Get your lazy asses of the lunch table
and reunite for a major defence operation. Hide
the hostages and eliminate the annoying intruders
in order to show your true 1337 powers...
(Press FIRE to continue)
The error of the appearance of the hostage on the ground floor, under the stairs in the TV room: the hostage does not follow the policeman, stuck in the textures. I tried to reinstall the map - it doesn't help. 4/5.