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Screen uploaded  03-23-2025 by Lione1RUS
Creative Commons Licence
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Hits: 12
Views: 161
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17 002 KB
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Russia (Russian Federation)
Theme: Winter
Overview: Yes
Waypoints: Yes
Slots: 34
Last Download: Yesterday
Uploaded:  03-23-2025 by Lione1RUS
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Any plan to prevent the same mess from happening again?
03-26-2025 at 9:36 AM
Arkshine upped the security a bit & I presume he has made a more recent backup than the one he previously had.
If not he'd probably better do so...
03-26-2025 at 3:10 PM
Yes, edition is restricted to admin/modo/advanced user.
There is also DB backup every day.smiley
03-26-2025 at 6:32 PM
Map descriptions are not edited. Not saved.
03-27-2025 at 8:38 AM
@Blackcock: Can you not set a country for author anymore when uploading a map?
03-27-2025 at 2:39 PM
@rUsHnUt Yes. I can't specify the author if it's not in the txt file. I can't specify the country and the style of the map
03-27-2025 at 8:36 PM
It's a new rule ( from Arkshine ) that normal users can't edit map properties for safety reasons ( major attack on database a week ago ).
We can move trustworthy users to the advanced group ( they can use edit ) but this only solves the issue for those people, not everyone.
Looks like food for Arkshine smiley
03-27-2025 at 8:51 PM
@Arkshine can i get the ability to edit maps please?
03-27-2025 at 9:21 PM
@rUsHnUt thanks!
03-27-2025 at 9:22 PM
I'm not in charge but I still think a new upload template ( one where you can actually fill in author & country of set author ) is the better option, regardless of what group a user is in.
03-27-2025 at 10:03 PM
@Blackcock: You are an advanced user now. You can edit maps.
03-27-2025 at 11:34 PM
That's right, he deserves it.smiley
03-27-2025 at 11:52 PM
Arkshine is the only God!
And with God's help, I should become a Super Admin.
I feel now is the perfect time for it.smiley
03-28-2025 at 6:26 AM
Is it possible to get a HL:OP4 category? I have noted various maps (mostly op4 prefix and a few others) that are made for Op4 and have Op4 weapons within the maps in the HLDM section
03-28-2025 at 11:10 AM
@Arkshine Thanks smiley
03-28-2025 at 11:40 AM
@Igrik smiley
03-28-2025 at 11:40 AM
@Blackcock: Can you look at all your uploaded maps and change the author please?
Especially when you are the creator since I've noticed so far your early uploads lack a txt-file so I wasn't sure if you are the author or not so I did not change it myself even when I had a high suspicion that you were indeed the author.
03-28-2025 at 2:38 PM
From all people, you know best what maps you did create.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Sadly this is a result from the database attack.
03-28-2025 at 2:40 PM
@rUsHnUt:Yes, I've seen that almost all of my uploaded maps have become byplt-authored. It's going to take me a long time to edit this. And since the maps are not all mine, I will need to try to find the original creator of the map.
03-28-2025 at 2:51 PM
@rUsHnUt:Yes, I've seen that almost all of my uploaded maps have become byplt-authored. It's going to take me a long time to edit this. And since the maps are not all mine, I will need to try to find the original creator of the map.
03-28-2025 at 5:26 PM
Best to do your maps first and then continue with the ones left.
P.s.: I think you accidentally edited my previous shout.
Advanced user for 1 day and already misbehaving huh smiley
03-28-2025 at 6:43 PM
@rUsHnUt: Sorry, I didn't understand at all what I edited there smiley
03-28-2025 at 7:03 PM
@rUsHnUt: I figured it out. Double clicking on a message edits it. Sorry again smiley
03-28-2025 at 7:05 PM
No problem.
The message was solely directed towards you and I guess you read it anyway before replying.
P.s.: I'm currently checking all maps that have bpylt as author so you can come across a couple of your uploads that I already changed if I could have found out it's creator.
03-28-2025 at 7:43 PM
It is a pity that there is no way to rollback the database.
I will slowly restore my cards to begin with.
03-28-2025 at 7:47 PM
Thanks to byplt all maps were reverted back to downloadable. Arkshine's backup was good to revert most of the transferred maps back to the corresponding categories but sadly it was a bit outdated, hence why the authors of all maps from 05/01/2021 ( displayed 01-05-2021 on this site ) up until now are lost.
03-28-2025 at 7:55 PM
03-28-2025 at 7:57 PM
Arkshine arranged it so now there's a backup of the database every day.
For the moment you can still see that post in the shoutbox ( 03-26-2025 at 7:32 pm ).
Scroll up until you find the following emoticon -> smiley
03-28-2025 at 8:05 PM
oh so all the pre-2021 authors were restored? that's cool. I bet for newer maps you can find a cloned upload on other sites and get the author from there
Yesterday at 9:42 PM
I didn't get advanced user myself damn, maybe my message was lost in the chat :P @Arkshine
Yesterday at 9:48 PM
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