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Screen uploaded  03-23-2025 by KroX
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Views: 66
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Uploaded:  03-23-2025 by KroX
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Community 17b
It is a pity that there is no way to rollback the database.
I will slowly restore my cards to begin with.
03-28-2025 at 7:47 PM
Thanks to byplt all maps were reverted back to downloadable. Arkshine's backup was good to revert most of the transferred maps back to the corresponding categories but sadly it was a bit outdated, hence why the authors of all maps from 05/01/2021 ( displayed 01-05-2021 on this site ) up until now are lost.
03-28-2025 at 7:55 PM
03-28-2025 at 7:57 PM
Arkshine arranged it so now there's a backup of the database every day.
For the moment you can still see that post in the shoutbox ( 03-26-2025 at 7:32 pm ).
Scroll up until you find the following emoticon -> smiley
03-28-2025 at 8:05 PM
oh so all the pre-2021 authors were restored? that's cool. I bet for newer maps you can find a cloned upload on other sites and get the author from there
03-29-2025 at 9:42 PM
I didn't get advanced user myself damn, maybe my message was lost in the chat :P @Arkshine
03-29-2025 at 9:48 PM
I think Arkshine's priority about this issue should be to change the method for uploading maps by giving uploaders at least the chance to fill in an author & country while submitting something instead of giving every person access to the advanced user group when they ask for it in the shoutbox.
Today at 1:20 PM
This kinda destroys the purpose of the added security by disallowing users to edit already uploaded stuff in the first place.
It's not that we, in particular, don't trust you.
It's more the fact that Arkshine is the only person here modding stuff and he isn't the most frequent visitor here let's be honest.
Today at 1:26 PM
So we can't rely on that strategy to exclude uploaded maps from missing author name/country simply because the uploader, as a normal user, can't edit afterwards.
I hope you understand the situation a bit.
But still, in the end all this is just my opinion.
Today at 1:29 PM
If Arkshine thinks otherwise and chooses to do things different, then he's free to do so.
For the moment the site's maintenance is his responsibility so he's in charge when it comes to the final decisions.
Today at 1:29 PM
The restriction is only when you edit an existing map. If you upload a new map, you can fill whatever the info you want. Edition is restricted to admin/modo/adv user and original uploader.

Before, anyone could update without any verification.

Ideally, I would like a system where anyone can update but require a validation from modo/adv users.
Today at 4:28 PM
For now, if a normal user wants to update authors info, they can ask here, or we can make dedicated topic on the forum.
Today at 4:28 PM
I don't mind adding more adv users, as long the user is vouched by an existing modo/adv user.
Today at 4:31 PM
As dev myself, I would like to redo the website from scratch. The existing code is very very old. The original owner Chapo did an amazing job creating the website.
It's true that I'm having a hard time finding time to work on this project at the moment.
Today at 4:41 PM
I will install a new modern forum soon to share ideas, suggestions, etc. I can't stand the existing forum; it's outdated, and I don't want to create new stuff on such a relic of the past. smiley
Today at 4:48 PM
Ok I see.
You speak of "and original uploader."
Does that mean a normal user can still edit his own submitted maps afterwards?
Today at 4:52 PM
Yes, correct.
Today at 4:53 PM
P.s.: It goes without saying we all truly appreciate the effort you make in emergency situations like the one that just happened.
Without you this site wouldn't even be up anymore.
Today at 4:55 PM
Make 17B Great Again smiley
Today at 5:10 PM
@Arkshine:it was a bad idea to ask you to make registration of new users open.
I suggest making it closed again, so that the database is not downloaded.
And so that an unregistered user can download a maximum of 10 maps per day.
And cancel all registered accounts for the past year!
Because I see that byplt is not banned for his misdeeds. I'm sure he still has accounts in reserv
Today at 5:39 PM
@Arkshine: Make quick registration paid (0.1 - 1 dollar).
And if they want it for free, then let them, like I did in my time, wait for approval or contact you on Facebook.
And I suggest making an ad block in the site header with servers for cs 1.6, so that the site at least brings in some income.
These are my suggestions for now smiley
Today at 5:39 PM
@Blackcock: As far as i know byplt wasn't the one changing all maps to system map and ORIGINALLY replacing author to his name.
Upon trying to make all maps at once downloadable again, he had to figure out what part of data was changed upon downloading a map but unfortunately he changed ( by accident? ) the author name for all maps.
Today at 5:54 PM
Before that point, the author for all maps was already changed into some strange trojan-virus name regardless.
So nothing was lost due to his effort of trying to make the maps available for everyone.
Unless I'm uninformed about this whole story and there's stuff I do not know ( yet ).
Today at 5:54 PM
@rUsHnUt: It was calmer when registration was closed and approved manually.
Today at 6:17 PM
I agree but does not make byplt the one that "hacked" the database/site.
The way he achieved his goal of making all maps downloadable again can be up for debate but that's Arkshine job to take any repercussions if he feels necessary.
Today at 6:29 PM
In my eyes byplt helped the site rather than trying to f*ck it up.
Again, unless there's more to the story I'm currently unaware of.
Today at 6:32 PM
Before, you could edit a map info even without being logged in (this was by design), so closing registration would not help here.
Today at 6:39 PM
There are already bugs/exploits exists, waiting to be revealed, at least ddosing is pretty simple, so website need to be updated. BTW, im already shared my script to edit of the entire website, if you want, i can share again.
Today at 7:20 PM
guys, please don't abuse the website smiley
If I parse all the logs, I will know who did dirty.
Today at 8:05 PM
I didn't any exploit, just tried to fix. Before, i shared a workaround to download map while the downloads were not working. (Link)
Today at 8:14 PM
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